The secret of growth lies in getting started


The DYAD Group is rated as one of the leading specialist training houses in South Africa.
Consulting since 1990, DYAD provides “not by the book” training that enables our clients to do things differently and more successfully. Dyad is accredited through the Services SETA and is awaiting final approval through the Department of Higher Education. We are classified as an EME and therefore all spend is considered as 100% BEE spend.

Whether you use us for Content Design, Training, Consulting, Coaching, Teambuilding, Management Development, or Conference Speaking, you will benefit from our innovative, “nothing off the shelf” interventions. We are interactive, results-focused, motivational, and highly “enter-training”.

We believe in a very personal and involved approach to building long-term interpersonal relationships with our valued clients.
We do this by positively influencing your company’s culture, your company’s productivity, and ultimately your company’s profitability.



Our passion is developing people! To the benefit of the individual and to the benefit of the organisation!
We’re into building and developing customised content to drive people potential and our belief is that effective individuals result in effective teams!
It’s all about partnership with our clients to create custom-made, not-off-the-shelf interventions that ensure effectiveness.


Whether it’s experiential learning, facilitation, conference speaking, content design or training, our purpose is to meet your people development needs, to get the best results and to encourage innovation, development and outcomes.

Our purpose includes designing interventions that s-t-r-e-t-c-h individuals and teams in order to realise their potential and enable growth.